8.Sınıf İngilizce 1.Dönem Sonu Sınav - Klasik

8.Sınıf İngilizce 1.Dönem Sonu Sınav - Klasik sınavı 8.Sınıf kategorisinin İngilizce alt kategorisinin, 1 dönemine ait. Bu sınav Orta derecede zorluktadır. Toplamda 12 sorudan oluşmaktadır.

 8.Sınıf İngilizce 1.Dönem Sonu Sınav - Klasik CEVAPLARI

  1. Fill in the blanks .

    1. When he .............. (see) me, I ............. (read)
    2. When I ................ (say) him, he ........... (watch) TV.
    3. While I .................... (write), she .................. (sleep)
    4. I ................... (eat) when no body ................ (see)

  2. Cevap:

    1: saw- readed, 2: said - watch, 3: writing - was sleep, 4: eating - is see


    Loudly - Verbally
    Carefully - Heavily
    silently - Friendly

    1. You should drive ………………….
    2. Mouse eats the cheese ………………..
    3. It is raining …………………….
    4. The baby is crying……………………….

  4. Cevap:



  5. Catagorize the products
    body lotion / comb / stick deodarant / hand cream / shampoo / nail clipper / acne jel / shower jel

    Hand care products

    Skin care products

    Hair care products

    Body care products

  6. Cevap:



  7. Read and choose the best answer
    Hello , My name is Jack. Let me tell you about my dream. I saw it last week. I was walking in the forest .Beautiful birds were flying around me. Different animals were speaking to me. My friend Michael was walking with me. He was singing a song .We were happy and relaxed. The sun was shinning over us. Then I heard my mum calling my name.

    1. What was happening in his dream?
    a) Jack was flying around Michael. b) Birds were speaking to animals.
    c) Michael was walking with Jack. d) Jack was singing a song.
    2. Who was singing a song?
    a) Jack b) Michael c)Both of them d) Birds
    3. Who was talking to Michael ?
    a) Birds b) Jack c)Nobody d)Everybody
    4. Beautiful birds …….. around Jack.
    a)were sleeping b)were speaking c)were singing d)were flying
    5. …………were speaking to …….. .
    a) Jack / Michael b)Animals / Jack c) Birds / Michael d)Animals / Birds

  8. Cevap:




    1- We ________________ protect wild animals.
    2- We ________________ plant trees.
    3- We _________________ buy furs.
    4- We __________________ feed wild animals.
    5- We __________________ hunt wild animals.
    6- We __________________ cut trees.

  10. Cevap:



  11. Match the words with Turkish meaning.

    _1) Domesticated     a) Nesli tükenmiş
    __2) Endangered      b) Ormanların yok edilmesi
    __3) Extinct              c) Aşırı avlanma
    __4) Overhunting     d) Evcilleştirilmiş
    __5) Deforestation    e) Nesli tehlikede

  12. Cevap:



  13. Koyu yazılı ifadelerden doğru olanı yuvarlak içine alınız

    1) When I saw / was seeing her, she was walking / walked in the park.
    2) While he got / was getting on the bus, he fell / was falling down.
    3) Ceyda was having / had a shower when the telephone rang / was ringing.
    4) It began / was beginning to rain while she was waiting / waited at the bus stop.
    5) When they arrived / were arriving at home, Mary was watching / watched TV.
    6) While he played / was playing basketball, he was breaking / broke his arm.
    7) My boss was talking / talked on the phone when I entered / was entering the room.
    8) The film was starting / started while we were having / had dinner.

  14. Cevap:



  15. Respond to the following invitations.( Yönergeye göre davetleri uygun şekilde farklı doldurunuz.)

    1. Are you doing anything tonight? How about watching a thriller ? (accept )
    2. Would you like to eat out tomorrow evening? (accept )
    3. I’m really bored at home. Shall we drink something at a café? (refuse)
    4. : What are you going to do after school? Let’s study together. (refuse)

  16. Cevap:



  17. Boşlukları ‘too’ / ‘enough’ ile doldurunuz.

    1. I can’t sit on this chair is because it is ___________ small .
    2. I am not strong ____________ to lift weights.
    3. I am ____________strong. I can lift the car. (lift:kaldırmak)
    4. The coffee is hot_____________ to drink it.

  18. Cevap:



  19. Doğru olan ifadeyi yuvarlak içine alınız.

    5 – While the baby was crying / cried, its mother opened the door.
    6 – The food is too fatty. You should / shouldn’t eat it.
    7 – My hand are very dirty. I should / shouldn’t wash them.
    8 – The weather is very cold. You should / shouldn’t wear a coat.
    9 – The suitcases aren’t light enough. You should / shouldn’t carry themby yourself.
    10 – He should / shouldn’t drive

  20. Cevap:




    1-    She was sleeping ……..…..…her father came home.
    2-    He was reading a book……..………his wife was getting ready.
    3-    I was doing my homework……..………I heard a noise.
    4-    ……………...they were going shopping, they had an accident.
    5-    …………..….I was a young boy, I was reading newspaper.

  22. Cevap:




    1)When I arrived,the students ……………… (shout).
    2)When the lights went out,I ……………………… (make) a cake
    3)When they arrived,she ……………………………… (leave) the Office.
    4)When the phone rang,we …………………… (watch) TV.
    5)When they heard the war,they ……………………… (play) tenis.
    6)While she …………………… (wait) for, the bus,a car hit her.
    7)While he ………………… (talk) in the conference,he failed.
    8)When Ali rang the bell,I ……………… (look) at the photograps.
    9)While I ………………… (drink) coke,my father came in.
    10)When I saw her,she …………………… (drive) down the road.
  24. Cevap:



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8.Sınıf İngilizce 1.Dönem Sonu Sınav - Klasik Detayları

8.Sınıf İngilizce 1.Dönem Sonu Sınav - Klasik 0 kere indirildi. Bu sınav Orta derecede zorluktadır. Sınav zorluk derecesi sınavı oluşturan soruların istatistikleri alınarak oluşturulmuştur. Toplamda 12 sorudan oluşmaktadır. Sınav soruları aşağıda verilen kazanımları ölçecek şekilde hazırlanmıştır. 01 Aralık 2023 tarihinde eklenmiştir. Bu sınavı şimdiye kadar 1 kullanıcı beğenmiş. 8.Sınıf İngilizce 1.Dönem Sonu Sınav - Klasik yazılı sınavına henüz hiç yorum yapılmamış. İlk yorum yapan siz olun.

8.Sınıf İngilizce 1.Dönem Sonu Sınav - Klasik sınavında hangi soru türleri kullanılmıştır?

Bu sınavda verilen soru türleri kullanılmıştır.
  • Boşluk Doldurma
  • Klasik
  • Boşluk Doldurma
  • Eşleştirme
  • Klasik
  • Boşluk Doldurma
  • Klasik
  • Boşluk Doldurma

8.Sınıf İngilizce 1.Dönem Sonu Sınav - Klasik Hangi Kazanımları Kapsıyor?

Bu sınav ve tema ve kazanımlarını kapsamaktadır.
    1. Students will be able to ask and answer questions and exchange ideas and information on a topic related to how something is processed.
    2. Students will be able to get the gist of short, clear, simple descriptions of a process.
    3. Students will be able to give a simple description about a process.
    4. Students will be able to understand the overall meaning of short texts about a process. Students will be able to guess the meaning of unknown words from the text.
    5. Students will be able to write a series of simple phrases and sentences by using linkers to describe a process.
    1. Students will be able to express their decisions taken at the moment of conversation.
    2. Students will be able to make a simple phone call asking and responding to questions.
    3. Students will be able to understand phrases and related vocabulary items. Students will be able to follow a phone conversation.
    4. Students will be able to understand short and simple texts with related vocabulary.
    5. Students will be able to write short and simple conversations.
    1. Students will be able to identify main ideas in short and simple texts about internet habits. Students will be able to find specific information about the Internet in various texts.
    2. Students will be able to make excuses, and to accept and refuse offers by using a series of phrases and simple sentences.
    3. Students will be able to talk about their Internet habits. Students will be able to exchange information about the Internet.
    4. Students will be able to understand the gist of oral texts. Students will be able to comprehend phrases and related vocabulary items.
    5. Students will be able to write a basic paragraph to describe their internet habits.

Ayrıca 8.sınıf İngilizce dersi 1.dönem sonu sınav soruları; klasik türde açık uçlu sorulardan yeni sınav sistemine uygun hazırlanmıştır etiketlerini kapsamaktadır.

Hangi kategoriye ait?

8.Sınıf İngilizce 1.Dönem Sonu Sınav - Klasik sınavı 8.Sınıf kategorisinin İngilizce alt kategorisinin, 1 dönemine ait.

8.Sınıf İngilizce 1.Dönem Sonu Sınav - Klasik Sınavını hangi formatta indirebilirim?

8.Sınıf İngilizce 1.Dönem Sonu Sınav - Klasik sınavını .pdf veya .docx olarak ücretsiz indirebilirsiniz. Bunun yanında sistem üzerinden doğrudan yazdırabilirsiniz. Veya öğretmen olarak giriş yaptıysanız 8.Sınıf İngilizce 1.Dönem Sonu Sınav - Klasik sınavını sayfanıza kaydedebilirsiniz.

8.Sınıf İngilizce 1.Dönem Sonu Sınav - Klasik sınav sorularının cevap anahtarlarını nasıl görebilirim?

Sınavın cevap anahtarını görebilmek için yukarıda verilen linke tıklamanız yeterli. Her sorunun cevabı sorunun altında gösterilecektir. Veya Sınavı .docx olarak indirdiğinizde office word programıyla açtığınızda en son sayfada soruların cevap anahtarına ulaşabilirsiniz.

Kendi Sınavını Oluştur

Değerli öğretmenlerimiz, isterseniz sistemimizde kayıtlı binlerce sorudan 8.Sınıf İngilizce dersi için sınav-yazılı hazırlama robotu ile ücretsiz olarak beş dakika içerisinde istediğiniz soru sayısında, soru tipinde ve zorluk derecesinde sınav oluşturabilirsiniz. Yazılı robotu için Sınav Robotu tıklayın.

Sınav hakkında telif veya dönüt vermek için lütfen bizimle iletişime geçin.

 Sınavı İndir
.docx vey .pdf

 Sınavı İndir (.docx)

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  8.Sınıf İngilizce Dersi Ünite Özetleri
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