8.Sınıf İngilizce 2.Dönem 1.Sınav - Test

8.Sınıf İngilizce 2.Dönem 1.Sınav - Test sınavı 8.Sınıf kategorisinin İngilizce alt kategorisinin, 2 dönemine ait. Bu sınav Orta derecede zorluktadır. Toplamda 24 sorudan oluşmaktadır.

 8.Sınıf İngilizce 2.Dönem 1.Sınav - Test CEVAPLARI

  1. climbing
    Which sport is that?

    A) Rock climbing        B) Motor racing 
    C) Caving                     D) Skiing

  2. Cevap: A

  3. Josh: _____ uses the Internet most in your family?
    Beril: My brother_________.

    A) What/ is                B) Who/ does
    C) Who/ is                 D) What/ does

  4. Cevap: B

  5. If you are spending more than 6 hours on the Internet, you may be an Internet_______.

    A) Browser    B) Addict    C) Engine    D) Printer

  6. Cevap: B

  7. I think rock climbing is more ______ than caving because you can fall and injure yourself while you are climbing.

    A) Entertaining            B) Fascinating
    C) Interesting              D) Dangerous

  8. Cevap: D

  9. Cansu: I go online every day
    Buse: Really? What do you usually do on the Net?
    Cansu: ………………

    A) I have to study English
    B) I don’t have access to internet
    C) I upload my photos on my sites
    D) I use wireless modem

  10. Cevap: C

  11. Daniel: __________________________?
    Melanie: A helmet, ankle protection, first aid kit and a mobile phone.

    A) What is base jumping like?
    B) How many people do this activity?
    C) Why do people do extreme sports?
    D) What do people need to do this activity?

  12. Cevap: D

  13. First, peel the onions,…………, chop them. Finally, put them into the bowl.

    A) second    B) after    C) then    D) before

  14. Cevap: B

  15. Brian:__________________________?
    Sandra: I joined the boat tour, I went to the mountains then I tried local dishes. I also took photographs.

    A) How was your vacation?
    B) Where did you stay there?
    C) Who did you go with?
    D) What did you do there?

  16. Cevap: D

  17. Eiffel Tower is________________ of Paris.

    A) accomodation        B) climate
    C) icon                            D) location

  18. Cevap: C

  19. Daniel: __________________________?
    Melanie: A helmet, ankle protection, first aid kit and a mobile phone.

    A) What is base jumping like?
    B) How many people do this activity?
    C) Why do people do extreme sports?
    D) What do people need to do this activity?

  20. Cevap: D

  21. Which one is NOT an extreme sport?

    A) cycling            B) bungee jumping
    C) rafting            D) sky diving

  22. Cevap: A

  23. Teacher: Who built the Blue Mosque?
    Student: Mehmet Aga.
    Teacher: ……….…. did the construction take?
    Student: For 7 years.

    A) How long            B) How much
    C) How tall              D) How big

  24. Cevap: A

  25. James:_________________________?
    Tony: About 18 kilos.

    A) How fast a mini motorbike in a race?
    B) Is a mini motorbike heavier than a real size motorbike?
    C) How much does a mini motorbike weigh?
    D) Where did concept of mini motorbike start?

  26. Cevap: C

  27. Tolgay: I want to join swimming competition. Ozzy: _________?
    Tolgay: 10.000 TL for the winner.

    A) When is the competition ?
    B) Where is the competition ?
    C) What is the prize ?
    D) Who can I contact for more information?

  28. Cevap: C

  29. Peter was a young shepherd in a village. One day he was very bored and decided to play a game. He shouted for help, “Wolf, wolf, please help me!” People ran to the hill quickly, but there was no wolf at all. Peter laughed at them, because he lied. People got very angry and they came back to the village. A few days later a real wolf came and attacked the sheep. The wolf was too dangerous, so Peter shouted loudly for help, “Wolf, wolf, please help me!” But this time nobody answered. The people of the village didn’t come to help him. As they did not believe in Peter anymore, he lost all of his sheep.
    What is the “main idea” of the story?

    A) Being a shepherd is easy
    B) Always be honest and never lie.
    C) Wolf is a friendly animal.
    D) Peter is a reliable boy

  30. Cevap: B

  31. Peter was a young shepherd in a village. One day he was very bored and decided to play a game. He shouted for help, “Wolf, wolf, please help me!” People ran to the hill quickly, but there was no wolf at all. Peter laughed at them, because he lied. People got very angry and they came back to the village. A few days later a real wolf came and attacked the sheep. The wolf was too dangerous, so Peter shouted loudly for help, “Wolf, wolf, please help me!” But this time nobody answered. The people of the village didn’t come to help him. As they did not believe in Peter anymore, he lost all of his sheep.
    What was Peter like?

    A) He was honest and reliable.
    B) He was angry.
    C) He was dishonest.
    D) He was helpful.

  32. Cevap: C

  33. A: Have you read the last book of Elif Şafak?
    B: Yes, I have. __________ ?
    A: Not yet, but I will.

    A) Are you sure          B) You’re welcome
    C) What about you   D) Terrible

  34. Cevap: C

  35. People in Germany live for about 65 years,but in Brazil,people live shorter.________is different in each country.

    A) longevity    B) affection    C) obstacle    D) joint

  36. Cevap: A

  37. A: I think Einstein was a great scientist.
    B:_______________. He did many things for humanity and for a better world

    A )I agree with you.        B) I don’t think so.
    C) It is not fair!                 D) You are wrong.

  38. Cevap: A

  39. A : What would you like to be in the future?
    B : I would like to …..……………

    A) clean the house
    B) do the shopping
    C) be a footballer
    D) buy an expensive car

  40. Cevap: C

  41. My neighbour is a/an _______________ and he often interviews with famous people and writers

    A) surgeon             B) arhitect
    C) pharmacist        D) journalist

  42. Cevap: D

  43. …I was crossing the street, I saw an accident

    A) when    B) so that    C) while    D) why

  44. Cevap: A

  45. Hakan: ______have you lived in America?
    Fatih : I have lived in America___ ten years.

    A) How many / just
    B) How many times / since
    C) How much / ago
    D) How long / for

  46. Cevap: D

  47. Okuma parçasında hangi sorunun cevabı verilmemiştir?
    Taj Mahal is one of the eight wonders of the world. It is in Agra, India. The emperor Shah Jahan ordered it in memory of his third wife, Mumtaz Mahal. Its architectural style is a mixture of Persian, Turkish and Indian architecture

    A) What is its architectural style?
    B) For whom it was built?
    C) When was it built?
    D) Where is Taj Mahal?

  48. Cevap: C

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8.Sınıf İngilizce 2.Dönem 1.Sınav - Test Detayları

8.Sınıf İngilizce 2.Dönem 1.Sınav - Test 1 kere indirildi. Bu sınav Orta derecede zorluktadır. Sınav zorluk derecesi sınavı oluşturan soruların istatistikleri alınarak oluşturulmuştur. Toplamda 24 sorudan oluşmaktadır. Sınav soruları aşağıda verilen kazanımları ölçecek şekilde hazırlanmıştır. 28 Şubat 2022 tarihinde eklenmiştir. Bu sınavı şimdiye kadar 1 kullanıcı beğenmiş. Bu sınavı çözerek başarınızı artırmak için 8.Sınıf İngilizce 2.Dönem 1.Sınav - Test Testini Çöz tıklayın. 8.Sınıf İngilizce 2.Dönem 1.Sınav - Test yazılı sınavına henüz hiç yorum yapılmamış. İlk yorum yapan siz olun.

8.Sınıf İngilizce 2.Dönem 1.Sınav - Test sınavında hangi soru türleri kullanılmıştır?

Bu sınavda verilen soru türleri kullanılmıştır.
  • Test

8.Sınıf İngilizce 2.Dönem 1.Sınav - Test Hangi Kazanımları Kapsıyor?

Bu sınav ve tema ve kazanımlarını kapsamaktadır.
    1. Students will be able to follow a discussion on adventures. Students will be able to understand the main points of simple messages.
    2. Students will be able to interact with reasonable ease in short conversations. Students will be able to talk about comparisons, preferences and their reasons.
    3. Students will be able to make comparisons about sports and games by using simple descriptive language.
    4. Students will be able to understand short and simple texts to find the main points about adventures.
    5. Students will be able to write a short and simple paragraph comparing two objects.
    1. Students will be able to design a brochure, advertisement or a postcard about their favorite tourist attraction(s).
    2. Students will be able to exchange information about tourism. Students will be able to talk about their favorite tourist attractions by giving details.
    3. Students will be able to express their preferences for particular tourist attractions and give reasons. Students will be able to make simple comparisons between different tourist attractions. Students will be able to express their experiences about places.
    4. Students will be able to find specific information from various texts about tourism.
    5. Students will be able to understand and exract the specific information from short and simple oral texts.

Ayrıca 8.Sınıf İngilizce 2.dönem 1.sınav soruları; tamamı test ve cevap anahtarlı olarak hazırlanmıştır etiketlerini kapsamaktadır.

Hangi kategoriye ait?

8.Sınıf İngilizce 2.Dönem 1.Sınav - Test sınavı 8.Sınıf kategorisinin İngilizce alt kategorisinin, 2 dönemine ait.

8.Sınıf İngilizce 2.Dönem 1.Sınav - Test Testi İstatistikleri

Bu sınav 7 kere çözüldü. Sınava kayıtlı tüm sorulara toplamda 46 kere doğru, 64 kere yanlış cevap verilmiş.

8.Sınıf İngilizce 2.Dönem 1.Sınav - Test Sınavını hangi formatta indirebilirim?

8.Sınıf İngilizce 2.Dönem 1.Sınav - Test sınavını .pdf veya .docx olarak ücretsiz indirebilirsiniz. Bunun yanında sistem üzerinden doğrudan yazdırabilirsiniz. Veya öğretmen olarak giriş yaptıysanız 8.Sınıf İngilizce 2.Dönem 1.Sınav - Test sınavını sayfanıza kaydedebilirsiniz.

8.Sınıf İngilizce 2.Dönem 1.Sınav - Test sınav sorularının cevap anahtarlarını nasıl görebilirim?

Sınavın cevap anahtarını görebilmek için yukarıda verilen linke tıklamanız yeterli. Her sorunun cevabı sorunun altında gösterilecektir. Veya Sınavı .docx olarak indirdiğinizde office word programıyla açtığınızda en son sayfada soruların cevap anahtarına ulaşabilirsiniz.

Kendi Sınavını Oluştur

Değerli öğretmenlerimiz, isterseniz sistemimizde kayıtlı binlerce sorudan 8.Sınıf İngilizce dersi için sınav-yazılı hazırlama robotu ile ücretsiz olarak beş dakika içerisinde istediğiniz soru sayısında, soru tipinde ve zorluk derecesinde sınav oluşturabilirsiniz. Yazılı robotu için Sınav Robotu tıklayın.

Sınav hakkında telif veya dönüt vermek için lütfen bizimle iletişime geçin.